Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Take time to smell the ocean

Well in a few short hours I will be hopping on a plain to go visit my best friend in Georgia.  Normally the days fly by,  but when you are brimming with anticipation the minutes seem to just barley tick by.  Although I will miss waking up in the morning and seeing Londyn's baby blues, Corben's bed head, Addison's nonstop chatter that begins the moment her eyes open, and Camryn's toothless grin, I am quite excited to be able to slip away to the bathroom without anyone needing me or barging in.  8 days of having no one to look out for but myself and my shopping bags.  8 days of late night chats, good food and good shopping!  I am sure the time will fly by and before you know it I will be brimming with antisipation to come home to Londyn's baby blues, Corben's bed head, Addison's nonstop chatter, and Camryn's toothless grin.  Huge kudos goes out to my husband Ben for being the awesome guy that he is and letting me go while I leave my precious cargo in very capable hands.

You would have thought I'd spent my last night home busy packing, but when I got a last minute call I decided to squeeze in one more photo shoot.  I am so glad I did because I got to spend the evening with this amazing family.  They are visiting from California and enjoying each other's company on the North Shore.  I would say that they are relaxing but I am not sure there is much relaxing going on while chasing after twin 16 month olds.  I can't think of a better place for those little feet to run then on the beach of the North Shore, can you?  Here are some of my favorite shots from the evening.

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